Friday, November 28, 2008

Primary President

Who would ever thought of Kathy Crosier as Primary President, I guess the Lord did! Young Women, Relief Society, I could imagine it, but Primary, WOW! I told the bishop when he called me that I needed to be honest and tell him, my only experience with Primary was teaching the last 10 months and a short time in Palmdale.

The rest of my 20 year church history has been in teaching relief society (spiritual living teacher with Valorie), homemaking leader, on the enrichment committee, enrichment leader and 2nd counselor. Now with Young Women there has been Beehive advisor, 2nd Counsler in the Stake Presidency, 2 times 2nd counslor in p-5, and once in Ana Verde, then secretary in P-5, oh, I was 1st counselor in Ana Verde too! I worked with remarkable women, Lynette Gifford, Terri Stewart, Karen Toleman, Michelle Goodman, Sue Schuett, Valorie Foster and Cheryl Broad. Countless others have been right there since my conversion to boost me up. Clea Taylor, Susan Bursell, Marti King, Patty McFarland, Cindy Marquez, Rhea Stevenson and the list continues. How would I have made it this far in the gospel with countless people's hand in my life!! The answer is "I wouldn't have"!

I had to choose counselors. Boy, I feel like I really don't know that many people. But Grandma Weideman and I went to the temple. I smuggled my ward list in and went over and over it! Before I left, I had two names in mind. When I was at the temple, those names were definitely confirmed. As well as a secretary.

I felt great joy joining Grandma in the cafeteria, she had been waiting a long time.

I called the Bishop and he said the calls would be made. Saturday, I hadn't heard anything. Matter of fact, I went to Syske's house for a candle party and Kim Jonas was there. She didn't give any indication that she had been asked, so I called the Bishop again. Shortly thereafter Brother Mitchell called and said he would be the one making the calls. About 8:30pm he called me and said "President Crosier you have a presidency"! I asked if I could just give them a call. Which I did!!! It was amazing to hear how each of them were so prepared to receive this calling. We would be set apart tomorrow. I slept so well!

Sunday we were sustained and set apart! I was so happy that Jeff came. All of a sudden I looked down the hall and saw Jeff, my heart skipped two beats! After we were set apart the entire "Weight" of the mantle felt so heavy. There was a physical feeling that came with it. I was overwhelmed with all the responsibility to every child in our ward boundaries. I read the manuals over and over.

It wasn't until Peggy Rowell, my secretary came over and helped me with the agenda, but she helped me to understand that the responsibilities were to be spread out among the Presidency member's. I told her that I knew they were in the right places, but I had doubt's about me as the President. She was so reassuring, The Lord knows what he is doing. Just what I needed, but she also helped to prioritize what needed to happen first. Not the whole elephant, just a piece at a time. I felt such Peace after she left!!

We have had two presidency meetings so far and I feel great about all of it. I am no longer overwhelmed. I have three fantastic women with me, who the Lord chose to help me. I also have spent more time on my kneels in humble prayer, for my counselors, for the kids, for the parents, for the teachers, for our leaders and of course, for me to have the Spirit and be able to hear it.

I had an overwhelming love for my CTR class! I prayed for each of them. But when I got up last week for the first time to conduct, every set of eyes I looked into, I loved. I may not know their names YET, but I will. I promise to love, lead and teach to the best of my ability and with help from above, it's His program, I cannot fail.

So starts the beginning of a whole new season for me. My prayers have been answered. I do feel useful and needed. I don't feel lonely, but so full of life. After my Dad passed, I didn't think that I could be that helpful to anyone else. Now the Lord has given this want-to-be grandma a huge opportunity to love, teach and lead. What a blessing!

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